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Singers, players, dancers, cosplayers, gamers: Celtic Ensemble wants YOU!
The TTU Celtic Ensemble is recruiting for Spring 2023! Seeking singers, players, dancers, cosplayers, gamers, coders, LARPers, actors, and denizens of the High, Middle, and Lower Realms!

Originator: Chris Smith            Posted On :   1/2/2023
Arts & Entertainment * Lectures & Seminars 

Attention Trombonists: Join the Texas Tech Trombone Choir!
The TTU Trombone Choir, composed of faculty, students, and community residents, welcomes new members. We rehearse on Wednesdays at 5PM beginning January 11th. Contact Professor James Decker,, for further information.

Originator: James Decker            Posted On :   12/29/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Departmental * Student Organization