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Buy bulk items at Sam’s Express Wholesale at Hulen/Clement!
Sam’s Express Wholesale at Hulen/Clement is now open to place orders for bulk purchases through mobile ordering!

Originator: Alan Cushman            Posted On :   4/19/2022
Arts & Entertainment 

“Structures of the World: Works on Paper” Exhibit - Call for Entries
Art exhibit hosted by the TTU Office of International Affairs. Eligible mediums include drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, and photography. Submission deadline - May 6, 2022.

Originator: Jan Stogner            Posted On :   4/19/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Departmental 

Do you have a high balance of Dining Bucks?
Now is the time to start spending! Visit any of the Hospitality Services dining locations on campus to spend your Dining Bucks! Dining Bucks are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Originator: Alan Cushman            Posted On :   4/19/2022
Arts & Entertainment 

Musics of the African Diaspora, Fall 2022
Fall 2022, open to Grad/UG from across the TTU campus, TR 12:30-1:50pm. All welcome, and please pass the word!

Originator: Chris Smith            Posted On :   4/19/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Lectures & Seminars 

Melanie Cervantes: "Intersectional feminisms and the art of solidarity"
Melanie Cervantes will be a guest speaker in the School of Art's Race & Social Justice in the Arts Speakers' Series.

Originator: Jose Arredondo            Posted On :   4/19/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Lectures & Seminars