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The Lubbock Chorale's 2022 Gala
Join us for The Lubbock Chorale's Annual Gala on March 5th!

Originator: Lindsay Rigney            Posted On :   2/15/2022
Arts & Entertainment 

Join us as we embrace our past to have a powerful future and to celebrate Black culture and communities with events all throughout February!

Originator: Amanda Salazar            Posted On :   2/15/2022
Arts & Entertainment 

7th Annual Ambassador’s Forum: Public Event - March 10, 2022
“The Future of Global Diplomacy: Actors and Factors” – Hosted by the TTU Office of International Affairs

Originator: Jan Stogner            Posted On :   2/15/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Lectures & Seminars * Departmental 

Child Rights and You Card Making Event for Children's Home
Child Rights and You will be hosting a card making event on Saturday the 19th from 5-6 pm at the SUB in the Double T Room. We will be making cards for the children at the Children's Home! All are welcome to join and help make cards!

Originator: Julieann Cherukara            Posted On :   2/15/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Student Organization