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Last Chance: Study Abroad Scholarship Workshop
Do you receive a Pell Grant? There is a study abroad scholarship just for you.

Originator: Whitney Longnecker            Posted On :   2/15/2022
Lectures & Seminars * Academic 

JOIN US TODAY! Fulbright U.S. Student Program - Grants to go Abroad!
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides 8-12 month funding for independent research, graduate study, or teaching English abroad in over 140 countries. Join us to learn about this exciting opportunity!

Originator: Junia Lee            Posted On :   2/15/2022
Lectures & Seminars 

7th Annual Ambassador’s Forum: Public Event - March 10, 2022
“The Future of Global Diplomacy: Actors and Factors” – Hosted by the TTU Office of International Affairs

Originator: Jan Stogner            Posted On :   2/15/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Lectures & Seminars * Departmental