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Register Now! - Brown Bag Series on Addiction Recovery Research
The CARR Brown Bag Series is back this Spring! Register now and join us in conversation about issues and directions in the field of addiction and recovery. This is FREE AND OPEN FOR ALL, and happens every Monday 11:30 am-12:30 pm (HS220/Zoom).

Originator: Nephtaly Joel Botor            Posted On :   2/14/2022
Research * Lectures & Seminars * Academic 

Self-Defense Seminar, open to all adults!
The Tech Martial Arts Club is offering a Self-Defense Seminar for all adults 18+ on March 5th 2022. Come learn practical techniques to keep yourself and others safe! Bring friends/families/significant others, everyone is welcome!

Originator: Jessica LaFond            Posted On :   2/14/2022
Athletics * Lectures & Seminars * Student Organization 

2022 Conference on Addiction, Recovery, and Families
The Texas Tech University Center for Collegiate Recovery Communities proudly presents the Conference on Addiction, Recovery, and Families sponsored by the McKenzie Lectureship Series March 31 & April 1, 2022 at the TTU McKenzie Merket Alumni Center.

Originator: Ann Casiraghi            Posted On :   2/14/2022
Lectures & Seminars * Academic * Departmental