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Funding Application Now Open: TrUE Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities
We are now accepting applications for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities Project and Travel Funding!

Originator: Ryan Bain            Posted On :   12/7/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental 

Spring 2023: THA 5335 Experiments in Intermedia: Max 8
Are you looking for a Graduate Level Elective course? Do you like the idea of intermedia arts that make use of sound, video, animation, live performance, fixed performance, etc. etc. etc.? Check out THA 5335

Originator: Justin Houser            Posted On :   12/7/2022

Hours of Operation During Finals - Regular Operating Hours

Originator: Lisa Gould            Posted On :   12/7/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Research Services Open House and Food Drive!
The Office of Research Services invites you to join us in our Open House on December 13th from 2:00pm-4:00pm. We are located in the Administration building's West Wing on the third floor Suite 349.

Originator: Bethany Wesner            Posted On :   12/7/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental 

Work in UIL office/events
Help is needed on Saturdays for UIL high school events.

Originator: Jack Barton            Posted On :   12/6/2022