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CROSS-CULTURAL STUDIES PROGRAM-Graduate Minor & Graduate Certificate
The CCS program is supported by a multidisciplinary curriculum geared toward enhancing cross-cultural knowledge, skills, leadership, and lifetime professional success in a broad variety of traditional and non-traditional career paths.

Originator: Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo            Posted On :   8/25/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Planning to submit a Fulbright Scholar application? We are here to help you!
TTU-Fulbright Liaisons are available to provide faculty and staff/admin with detailed information about the different Fulbright programs, application process and guidelines.

Originator: Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo            Posted On :   8/25/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental 

Departments - reserve your table for the Texas Techspo TODAY!
How does your department or area make a student’s Texas Tech experience the best it can be? The TEXAS TECHSPO is your chance to let them know! Sign up today!

Originator: Megan Ohlmann            Posted On :   8/25/2022
Academic * Departmental 

It’s time you should know…what your FEES pay for.
Come find out about the “FREE” services available to you – all in one place! The TEXAS TECHSPO is coming September 15 from 11am – 3pm in the SUB Ballroom.

Originator: Megan Ohlmann            Posted On :   8/25/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Hygienic Food Plant Design Class This Fall
A class is being offered this Fall for undergraduate and graduate students interested in food safety, HACCP, and Hygienic Design of Food Processing Plants, restaurants and food processing facilities.

Originator: Alejandro Echeverry            Posted On :   8/25/2022

Training: Designing Research Using fNIR Devices
Workshop open to graduate students and faculty held by the Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism October 10th & 17th!

Originator: Brianna Sanchez            Posted On :   8/25/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental 

Need CORE curriculum credit this fall? Interested in Social Justice?
Passionate about social justice? Want to know more about Black Lives Matter and #METOO movements? WGS 2300 focuses on women and other marginalized groups, and challenges gender, racial, sexual, and other stereotypes

Originator: Aimee Cameron            Posted On :   8/25/2022

Want to take social action and affect policy change? Check out FCSE 4325!
FCSE 4325-H01 (45669): US Family Issues & Social Action is open for Fall 2022 registration to honors students and those with a minimum 3.0 GPA who have completed ENG 1302 with a C or better!

Originator: Ashlee Murden            Posted On :   8/25/2022

English Classes for anyone in Lubbock
Any adults may register for these affordable six-week evening English classes that meet twice a week. The next class, a reading and writing class, begins on Aug 29th!

Originator: Yesim Kesli Dollar            Posted On :   8/24/2022

Fall 2022 Course: Who are the first people that migrated to the Americas?
Are you interested about the first peoples in North America more than 10,000 years ago? ANTH3300 Peopling of the Americas examines the different perspectives on this topic. Online synchronous TR 2-3:20pm.

Originator: Esther Lee            Posted On :   8/24/2022

Fall 2022 Course: What is a normal diet for humans? Is exercise normal?
ANTH3300 Human Biology of Exercise, Diet and Health will explore questions such as: Are humans adapted for exercise? What is a "normal" diet for humans? What does it mean to be healthy? Online synchronous MW 2-3:20pm.

Originator: Esther Lee            Posted On :   8/24/2022

Study and Research Opportunity on the War in Ukraine
Take part in a research project on a timely topic and earn course credit in the process

Originator: Ori Swed            Posted On :   8/24/2022

You know Arabic but you want to improve your speaking skills?
Enroll in Arab 3301 "Advance Arabic conversation" this fall and improve your conversation in Arabic

Originator: Rula Al-Hmoud            Posted On :   8/25/2022

SMITTEN Lab Looking for Graduate Student Volunteers
The SMITTEN Lab is looking for graduate students to volunteer in the lab. The lab is specifically interested in Psychology, Communication, and MFT graduate students.

Originator: Emma Willis            Posted On :   8/24/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental