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New Program: Career Development Series
Join us as we grow our professional skills!

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   10/25/2022
Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization * Human Resources Training 

New Employee Orientation NEW LOCATION
New Employee Orientation is now at the McKenzie Merket Alumni Center.

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   10/25/2022
Departmental * Human Resources Training 

Pssssttt…..want to know how to save some money?
Choose “low to no cost textbooks” under attributes when registering for classes on Raiderlink.

Originator: Julie Barnett            Posted On :   10/25/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Join Great Reads Book Series hosted by University Libraries
In honor of Indigenous Peoples Month, readings will feature the book “Even As We Breathe” by Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle.

Originator: Julie Barnett            Posted On :   10/25/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Academic * Departmental 

[Tomorrow] Korean Halloween Night - Horror Movie!
Ready for a Halloween movie night? We will watch a Korean horror movie on Oct. 26th (Wed), 7-9 pm at CMLL Qualia Room (B1F). Free popcorn and soda are provided!

Originator: Reina Tanimoto            Posted On :   10/25/2022
Departmental Events * Departmental