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CROSS-CULTURAL STUDIES PROGRAM-Graduate Minor & Graduate Certificate
The CCS program is supported by a multidisciplinary curriculum geared toward enhancing cross-cultural knowledge, skills, leadership, and lifetime professional success in a broad variety of traditional and non-traditional career paths.

Originator: Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo            Posted On :   6/30/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Planning to submit a Fulbright Scholar application? We are here to help you!
TTU-Fulbright Liaisons are available to provide faculty and staff/admin with detailed information about the different Fulbright programs, application process and guidelines.

Originator: Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo            Posted On :   6/30/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental 

Now Accepting 2022 Distinguished Staff Award Nominations
We encourage you to nominate outstanding staff members who have demonstrated excellence, leadership, and exemplary service for a Distinguished Staff Award.

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   6/30/2022
Departmental * Human Resources Training 

Participate in the Regional NSF I-Corps Program and become eligible to apply for the national program and win $50,000 in NSF funding!

Originator: Kat Dankesreiter            Posted On :   6/30/2022
Research * Departmental * Student Organization 

Raider Red's Food Pantry - Student Assistant Position
Raider Red’s Food Pantry, a campus resource, seeks a motivated and energetic Student Assistant for a part-time position beginning in June 2022.

Originator: Elizabeth Massengale            Posted On :   6/29/2022

New Mileage Reimbursement Rate Effective July 1st
The state mileage reimbursement rate has been increased from 58.5 to 62.5 cents per mile.

Originator: Chris Gerik            Posted On :   6/29/2022

The Talkington College of Visual & Performing Arts is hiring
The Talking College of Visual & Performing Arts is hiring a Lead Manager for Marketing & Communication.

Originator: Lyn Jackson            Posted On :   6/29/2022

National Endowment of the Arts (NEH) Summer Stipend Program – 2023
The Office of Research & Innovation is now accepting limited submission applications for the National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend program, which provides $6,000 grants for two consecutive, full-time months of research and writing.

Originator: Leeann Slaughter            Posted On :   6/30/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental 

Faculty Travel Grant (Fall 2022 Travel)
The Faculty Travel Grant from the Office of Research & Innovation is now open until August 1st, 2022.

Originator: Leeann Slaughter            Posted On :   6/30/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental