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Move Out Give Back
The City of Lubbock Solid Waste Department, in partnership with Texas Tech University, will host the first Move Out Give Back initiative May 5 - May 12, 2022.

Originator: Mara Zell            Posted On :   5/6/2022

Interested in a May-mester class?
Women's & Gender Studies is offering three classes during the May-mester. Try our WGS 2300 Introduction to WGS or WGS 4301 Special Topics courses! All are online and asynchronous!

Originator: Aimee Cameron            Posted On :   5/6/2022

ERS Summer Enrollment
Summer Enrollment dates are June 27, 2022 to July 16, 2022.

Originator: Jessica Perea            Posted On :   5/6/2022