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Looking for Sophomores
The Department of Military Science (Army ROTC) is looking for qualified Sophomore students. We have a $5,000 bonus if you attend summer camp in the summer of 2022 (subject to availability every year, and meeting requirements).

Originator: Mayela Ramirez            Posted On :   3/18/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Red Raider Army ROTC
The Department of Military Science (Army ROTC) is looking for qualified students who are interested in becoming a member of something greater than themselves.

Originator: Mayela Ramirez            Posted On :   3/18/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Mocktail Party- April 12th
Learn valuable networking skills with a professional etiquette coach at this fun virtual event. You will learn how to practice real business etiquette skills with real employers. Free For Students!

Originator: Brittainy Klemme            Posted On :   3/18/2022
Departmental * Student Employment/Career Opportunities 

Has your department registered to plant at Arbor Day? Don't wait!
Join us for a Texas Tech planting tradition! Register your department to plant together as we give back to Texas Tech. Arbor Day is April 29th where activities begin at 11am.

Originator: Michelle Morris            Posted On :   3/18/2022
Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization * Student Organization 

TechAnnounce: TTU Annual Property Inventory Certifications due June 30th
Do not wait until June 30 to begin certifying departmental inventory.

Originator: Roxanne Buchanan            Posted On :   3/17/2022