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Be Aware: Tax Season Is Here (And So Are the Scammers)
Tax scams via email, phone, and text message are on the rise.

Originator: IT Help Central            Posted On :   2/22/2022
IT Announcements * Departmental 

Learn More About RISE Peer Eds @ Our Info Session!
Want to learn about RISE Peer education from those already in the program? Head to our info session on 2/22 at 3 pm in the SUB Mesa room. Snacks will be provided- see you there!

Originator: Ashley Marino            Posted On :   2/22/2022

Do you know an Unsung Hero who deserves a little more recognition?
We want to hear about them! Nominate them as a Raider Who Rocks in the Unsung Hero category! Nominations are open until March 9. Visit

Originator: Lauren Vidal            Posted On :   2/22/2022

Do you have a 2 ½ to 7-year-old child with challenging behaviors?
Do you worry about how to manage your child’s difficult behaviors? Parent Child Interaction Therapy might be right for you and your family! We currently offer FREE TELEHEALTH. Contact Jesseca Jackson; 806-834-2483;

Originator: Jessica Jackson            Posted On :   2/22/2022

Looking for Sophomores
The Department of Military Science (Army ROTC) is looking for qualified Sophomore students. We have a $5,000 bonus if you attend summer camp in the summer of 2022 (subject to availability every year, and meeting requirements).

Originator: Mayela Ramirez            Posted On :   2/22/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Red Raider Army ROTC
The Department of Military Science (Army ROTC) is looking for qualified students who are interested in becoming a member of something greater than themselves.

Originator: Mayela Ramirez            Posted On :   2/22/2022
Academic * Departmental 

The President's Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion awards provide recognition to faculty, staff, and students who contribute to the creation of inclusive environments and programs that advance diversity, equity, and inclusion within TTU.

Originator: Amanda Salazar            Posted On :   2/22/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Learn @ Your Library workshops
Learn about Predatory Publishing, Human Sciences, Data Management and more.

Originator: Julie Barnett            Posted On :   2/22/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Health screening clinic on campus - recruiting now
Participate in a health screening assessment and earn 4 hours of PTO. Recruiting now for Spring 2022 semester.

Originator: Heidi Wiedenfeld            Posted On :   2/22/2022

WEBINAR: Digital Marketing on a Minute Budget
When it comes to digital marketing, a plan can be executed successfully on a budget. Learn how to move forward, look in new places, and take a step out. Join us for this FREE webinar on 2/23/2022 at 10:30am.

Originator: Ashton Darrow            Posted On :   2/22/2022
Departmental * Small Business Development Center 

WEBINAR: Use YouTube to Grow Your Business, Department, or Program!
Join the Texas Tech SBDC on 2/23/2022 at 2pm! Get best practices for creating a YouTube Channel and compelling video content that promotes your products and services and drives engagement with your brand.

Originator: Ashton Darrow            Posted On :   2/22/2022
Lectures & Seminars * Departmental * Small Business Development Center 

RISE Up Health Hub: Feed Your Body and Soul Week
This week is Love Your Body and Soul Week! Come learn from the experts about nutrition, nourishing your mind, and learning to love your body. Full schedule and details here: See you there!

Originator: Aubrey Brozo            Posted On :   2/21/2022

RISE Health and Wellness Resource Fair
The RISE Health and Wellness Fair will have several community and campus resource booths where students can learn about health and wellness in an engaging and holistic way.

Originator: Aubrey Brozo            Posted On :   2/21/2022