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Staff Senate Nominations Are Closing Soon!
Staff Senate is currently accepting nominations for new senators. If you know a staff member that is passionate about influencing change on campus, nominate them to join Staff Senate! Visit

Originator: Ben Chamness            Posted On :   4/4/2022
Faculty/Staff Organization 

ELIG and Professor Keffer present the Energy Law Lecture Series speakers Melissa Miller and Raina Hornaday. Miller and Hornaday will discuss "20 Years of Renewable Energy in Texas"

Originator: Blake Groves            Posted On :   4/4/2022
Lectures & Seminars * Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization 

Register to plant at Arbor Day! Deadline approaching FAST!
Have you registered your student organization or department to plant yet? Registration closes April 6th. Students, faculty, and staff can all sign up to plant at Arbor Day! Go to to sign up NOW!

Originator: Michelle Morris            Posted On :   4/4/2022
Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization * Student Organization 

A Faculty Voice in Defense of Academic Freedom
Panelists will discuss AAUP tenets of tenure, shared governance, and advocacy on the university campus in the 21st century.

Originator: Kirsten Cook            Posted On :   4/4/2022
Lectures & Seminars * Academic * Faculty/Staff Organization