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Coffee & Consent
Stop by J&B Coffee for an interactive Consent and Healthy Relationships education opportunity. Students can get a free 16 oz coffee of their choosing for participating while supplies last!

Originator: Presley Black            Posted On :   4/28/2023
Departmental * Student Organization 

The Career Closet Desperately Needs Clothing Donations
Interviews and graduation are just around the corner! TTU students need business professional and business casual clothing. Students, staff, and faculty, please consider donating.

Originator: Toni Krebbs            Posted On :   4/28/2023
Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization * Student Organization 

Looking for Academic, Career & Graduate School Help? Apply to TRIO SSS Today!
Applications are now open for TRIO Student Support Services! Don't hesitate to join and become a part of a great community that can help you during your college journey.

Originator: Tricia Phillips            Posted On :   4/28/2023
Academic * Departmental * Student Organization