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TechAnnounce on 9/26/2022 Home Page

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2022 Homecoming Week Events!
Join the Student Activities Board as we celebrate Homecoming by attending all the exciting events we have planned throughout the week!

Originator: Kaden Downing            Posted On :   9/26/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Student Organization 

Tell us how we are doing | Auxiliary Customer Experience Survey
Tell us how are doing, what we can do better, what we are doing great, and how we can expand on your Red Raider experience!

Originator: Alan Cushman            Posted On :   9/26/2022
Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization * Student Organization 

Texas Tech Pre-Pharmacy Club First General Meeting Tonight
Are you interested in pharmacy as a career? Join the Pre-Pharmacy Club for our first general meeting of the semester TONIGHT, Monday, September 26th on ZOOM at 7 PM!

Originator: Brandon Cope            Posted On :   9/26/2022
Student Organization