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Nominate your Parent/Grandparent for the Texas Tech Parent of the Year Award!
Have your parent(s)/guardian(s)/grandparent(s) made a significant impact in your life? Would you like to show them how much you appreciate them? Then nominate your parent(s)/guardian(s)/grandparent(s) to the 2022 Texas Tech Parent of the Year Award.

Originator: Morgan Brannon            Posted On :   9/21/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Athletics * Student Organization 

Join SAB and Volunteer at The Salvation Army TONIGHT!
Join Student activities Board for a volunteering event and help serve meals and sort clothes for The Salvation Army.

Originator: Gracie Hancock            Posted On :   9/21/2022
Student Organization 

Free Chinese Tutoring and Free Chinese Language Class!
TTU Chinese Language and Culture Association is offering free Chinese language tutor at 6 pm in CMLL 113 this Thursday (9/22)!

Originator: Yanlin Wang            Posted On :   9/20/2022
Lectures & Seminars * Academic * Student Organization