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Calling all Future Student Orgs
The Center for Campus Life will be holding an intent to form training for any students who are interested in starting a new organization on campus.

Originator: Estreylla Sierra            Posted On :   4/12/2022
Student Organization 

Can we PRAY for YOU?
We at TechBSM would love to pray for you.

Originator: Justin Kennon            Posted On :   4/12/2022
Student Organization 

Wreck Em' Round Up - Saddle Up for Spring Fling
Join the Texas Tech Residence Hall Association for a free rodeo-themed carnival at Urbanovsky Park!

Originator: Emily Dempsey            Posted On :   4/11/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Student Organization * Rec Sports Programming 

Discover Lubbock Public Health!
Lubbock Public Health Initiative is an organization to inform and educate Lubbock youth about local, national, and global public health problems! Please contact for more information.

Originator: John Poquiz            Posted On :   4/11/2022
Student Organization 

Graduate Students…concerned about money?
Tight budget? Student loans piling up? Wondering about employee benefits, buying a car, or a house? Thinking about investing for your future?

Originator: Cynthia Cantu            Posted On :   4/12/2022
Academic * Student Organization