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Student Assistant Position Opening
Student Assistant - Parent & Family Relations

Note: This position is for Undergraduate Students

Originator: Morgan Brannon            Posted On :   4/19/2023
Departmental * Student Employment/Career Opportunities 

Work for University Student Housing Over the Summer!
Are you interested in staying in Lubbock over the summer and working with the camps and conferences that come to Texas Tech? Join University Student Housing for an unforgettable summer!

Originator: Emily Mallernee            Posted On :   4/19/2023
Student Employment/Career Opportunities 

Six Sigma/Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification! Stand out to Employers!
These courses are 100% online and open to all! The registration deadline is April 30.

Originator: Jacksary Castanon            Posted On :   4/19/2023
Student Organization * Student Employment/Career Opportunities