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DMFR's Quarterly Newsletter is Published
DMFR has Published their Quarterly Newsletter

Originator: Jill Lindsey            Posted On :   12/7/2022
Banner News and Tips for Employees 

Funding Application Now Open: TrUE Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities
We are now accepting applications for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities Project and Travel Funding!

Originator: Ryan Bain            Posted On :   12/7/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental 

Study Participants Needed (Earn $10)
We are seeking college students, aged 18-25 who have used alcohol, marijuana and/or other substances in the past to participate in our research study on mood, behavior, and health. Participation is anonymous.

Originator: Caroline Cummings            Posted On :   12/7/2022

Follow Human Resources on Social Media!
Follow Texas Tech Human Resources on Instagram and Facebook!

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   12/7/2022
Departmental * Human Resources Training 

Monthly Global Perspectives Film Series - December
December film: Being Mortal

Originator: Jessica Blume            Posted On :   12/7/2022
Lectures & Seminars 

Important Information about your 1098T & Spring Bill
Texas Tech requests deferral of spring 2023 payment to January 1st, 2023. To ensure you receive a 1098T that reflects all your payment for the spring 2023 term, please make sure your payment is made on or after 01/01/2023.

Originator: Kyndal Clendennen            Posted On :   12/7/2022

Library to Host Dog Days of Finals
Dogs from the South Plains Obedience Training Club will visit the Library to help students de-stress Dec. 9 and 10.

Originator: Julie Barnett            Posted On :   12/7/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Departmental 

Spring 2023: THA 5335 Experiments in Intermedia: Max 8
Are you looking for a Graduate Level Elective course? Do you like the idea of intermedia arts that make use of sound, video, animation, live performance, fixed performance, etc. etc. etc.? Check out THA 5335

Originator: Justin Houser            Posted On :   12/7/2022

Hours of Operation During Finals - Regular Operating Hours

Originator: Lisa Gould            Posted On :   12/7/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Complete a Dehydration Research Study and Earn $200 for SPRING 2023
Men (aged 18-35 years old) who resistance train at least 2 days a week are invited to participate in a study examining hydration status on muscle growth at Texas Tech University, Department of Kinesiology and Sport Management for Spring 2023.

Originator: Nigel Jiwan            Posted On :   12/7/2022

Research Services Open House and Food Drive!
The Office of Research Services invites you to join us in our Open House on December 13th from 2:00pm-4:00pm. We are located in the Administration building's West Wing on the third floor Suite 349.

Originator: Bethany Wesner            Posted On :   12/7/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental 

Work in UIL office/events
Help is needed on Saturdays for UIL high school events.

Originator: Jack Barton            Posted On :   12/6/2022