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Final Reminder: TTU Adoption of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Protection
Symantec Endpoint Protection will no longer be available for institutional and personal devices. Please uninstall Symantec from all personal devices by August 31, 2022.

Originator: IT Help Central            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Employee Announcements * Student Announcements 

State-Mandated Basic Cybersecurity Training Due August 31, 2022
Annual cybersecurity training released through Cornerstone for all faculty and staff. Please complete by 08/31/22.

Originator: TTU Office of the CIO            Posted On :   8/29/2022
IT Announcements * Departmental 

Are you a Red Raider on the go? Sign up for a Commuter Dining Plan today!
It's hassle-free and you get more for your money! Commuter Dining Plans can be added to your tuition bill and the balance carries from semester to semester as long as you are enrolled with Texas Tech!

Originator: Alan Cushman            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Arts & Entertainment 

Do you want to help socialize shelter dogs?
The Human-Animal Interaction Lab at TTU invites you to participate in a research study exploring the influence of student Veteran and shelter dog interactions on Veteran and dog well-being. Click on the link to learn more!

Originator: Emily Webberson            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Seeking families to spend time with horses for research!
Children with current obesity, ages 9-13, and their primary caregivers may be eligible to participate, and no previous horse experience is required.

Originator: Tristen Hefner            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Need to make a change to your On-Campus Dining Plan?
On-campus Dining Plans can be changed through the 20th class day of each semester. The 20th class day of the Fall 2022 semester is Thursday, September 22nd.

Originator: Alan Cushman            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Arts & Entertainment 

New Undergraduate Research Presentation Opportunity
Abstracts Due September 19@ 8 am!

Originator: Ryan Bain            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Research * Lectures & Seminars 

Picnic with the President
All students are invited to the annual Picnic with the President at the SUB

Originator: Isabel Torres            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Are you applying to Nursing School?
Join the University Career Center in our 1-hour Nursing School Interview Workshop and learn techniques and tips to improve your interview skills from our friendly counselors.

Originator: Tori Ha            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Academic * Student Employment/Career Opportunities 

I Love Pretzels!| The Market at Stangel Murdough
Join The Market at Stangel/Murdough for I Love Pretzels! Don’t get twisted by missing the fun, get a pretzel before they are gone!

Originator: Alan Cushman            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Arts & Entertainment 

Win $2,000 for your idea through the 2022 Idea Competition!

Originator: Kat Dankesreiter            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Online Class! Introduction to Musical Cultures of the World (MUHL 1309)
Explore music around the world! Class meets Tuesday/Thursday – 2:00pm-3:20pm.

Originator: Lauryn Salazar            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Register for Musics of Latin America! (MUHL 2308-001 – CRN: 31872)
Learn about the traditions, styles, and history of Latin American musics from across the Western Hemisphere. (Caribbean, Middle America, and South America) The course satisfies 3 hours of the VPA requirement in the Core Curriculum.

Originator: Lauryn Salazar            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Music Graduate Students interested in non-Western musics – Enroll in MUHL 5324
This seminar explores the musical analysis and places notation and transcription within a wider conceptual and critical framework.

Originator: Lauryn Salazar            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Join Mariachi Los Matadores at Texas Tech!
Did you play mariachi in middle school or high school and want to continue? Have you ever wanted to play mariachi? Consider joining Mariachi Los Matadores!

Originator: Lauryn Salazar            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Paid Research Participants Needed for Online Study
The Department of Computer Science and Department of Psychological Sciences at Texas Tech University seek participants for an online (no face-to-face contact) study on how people perceive emails.

Originator: Keith Jones            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Do you want to learn Arabic this fall? Arab 1501
Learn the fourth most spoken language that will provide advantages in multiple career fields.

Originator: Rula Al-Hmoud            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Tell us how we are doing | Auxiliary Customer Experience Survey
Tell us how are doing, what we can do better, what we are doing great, and how we can expand on your Red Raider experience!

Originator: Alan Cushman            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Departmental * Student Organization 

TTU UREC Fitwell is currently hiring F45 trainers for the 2022-2023 school year.

Originator: Eddie Leos            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Rec Sports Programming * Student Employment/Career Opportunities 

Complete a Dehydration Research Study and EARN $200
Men (aged 18-35 years old) who resistance train at least 2 days a week are invited to participate in a study examining hydration status on muscle growth at Texas Tech University, Department of Kinesiology and Sport Management.

Originator: Nigel Jiwan            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Work for University Student Housing!
We are currently recruiting Community Advisors for 2023-2024 and Student Assistants and Residential Tutors for this semester!

Originator: Emily Mallernee            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Student Employment/Career Opportunities 

Healthcare Engineering Club
Interested in learning about healthcare engineering and participating in a mousetrap car race and AMBU bag creation this fall? Students of all majors are encouraged to join the Healthcare Engineering Club on TechConnect to get future announcements.

Originator: Julianne Bullock            Posted On :   8/28/2022
Student Organization 

Introductory Meeting for Tech Chinese Language and Culture Association
Join TCLCA for our first meeting of the semester! We will go over membership, tutoring in Mandarin, and fun events taking place this semester.

Originator: Zarek Driver            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Student Organization 

TrUE Student Assistant Position: Marketing & Communications
Undergraduates interested in marketing, communications, design, social media, web and working with a fantastic TTU department are encouraged to APPLY!

Originator: Jacy Enloe            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Student Employment/Career Opportunities 

FREE Tutoring is available for FALL 2022!
The Learning Center offers FREE TUTORING for many undergraduate courses during the Fall 2022 semester.

Originator: Pat Bohn            Posted On :   8/29/2022

House Bill 2504 and Faculty Success (Digital Measures) Assistance
September 2nd is the HB2504 deadline. Join this Open Door training for Faculty Success (the new name of Digital Measures). OPA staff will be in an open Zoom call to answer any questions you may have!

Originator: Kenneth Shatley            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Research * Departmental * Research 

Chinese Tea House can help you study Chinese!
Come to enjoy Chinese tea, learn Chinese culture and Chinese language for free at 6-7 pm on Aug. 31 in CMLL113.

Originator: Yanlin Wang            Posted On :   8/26/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Academic * Student Organization 

Are you a native Arabic speaker?
A call for native Arabic speakers to participate in the TTU Arabic Debate Team. This debate team will allow you to compete with other prestigious universities and meet other students. Expenses for travel, accommodation and food are covered.

Originator: Rula Al-Hmoud            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Social Change in the Hispanic World through Film, Literature, Art & Music
Looking for a fun Fall 2022 humanities course? SPAN 2300 is conducted in English and satisfies the Multicultural and Language, Philosophy and Culture requirements.

Originator: Mathilda Shepard            Posted On :   8/29/2022

FASH STUDY. Chance to earn $70!
Are you a first-year or second-year undergraduate student? We would like to invite you to participate in a research study. Click the link below for eligibility and survey

Originator: Temi Ibiyemi            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Paid Research Participants Needed for fMRI Study
The Selective Attention & Perception Lab in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Texas Tech University seeks participants for an in-person study on how people attend to visual stimuli and make perceptual judgments.  

Originator: Shinyoung Jung            Posted On :   8/29/2022