Dear TechBuy users and other campus administrators,
Procurement Services and Accounting Services will be terminating the following account codes 7G0002, 7G0012, 7G0011, 7G0056, 7G0086, 7G0104, 7G0103, 7G0036, 7B0070, 7B0080, 7B1120, and 7B1130. The account code values will be transitioned to new account code values. The link below includes the account codes that will be terminated, and the account codes that will now be used in place of them. These will be inactivated in TechBuy and Chrome River on 6/1/2024 to prevent using these codes on new transactions. Departments do not have to create change requests to alter the account codes in TechBuy.
New Account Code Values:
Thank you!
Procurement Services