TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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The Child Development Research Center is Hiring Student Assistants!

The Child Development Research Center (CDRC) at Texas Tech is currently hiring paid

Student Assistants who can work on the Lubbock campus between the hours of

7:15 a.m. and 5:45 p.m., Monday - Friday


Duties & Responsibilities

·  Student Assistants are employed by the Center to be teachers' assistants in the classroom. Their job is to assist and provide extra pairs of hands to help the classroom run smoothly. 

·  Student Assistants provide classroom support (cleaning, organizing, preparing snacks, etc.) as well as being involved in the direct care and education of children ages 0-5 years old.   

·  All applicants must be current TTU students and able to pass a criminal history background check

·  Work 12-19 hours a week, M-F, during the hours of 7:15 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.

·  Workstudy and HDFS/Early Childhood Education majors are preferred, but all applications will be accepted for review.



Jonna Mayer


Child Development Research Center
