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Call for Contributions - "Portraits of Multilingual Lubbock"
Lubbock, Texas—the 10th largest city in the state, with a vibrant and growing population of 310,679 (U.S. Census Bureau; Lubbock Economic Development Alliance)—is characterized by an ever-expanding tapestry of multiculturalism. Yet, despite its dynamic linguistic environment, there is no comprehensive account of the city’s multilingual life. In collaboration with Texas Tech University Press, we aim to address this gap through an edited volume tentatively titled Portraits of Multilingual Lubbock: Language, Culture, and Society in the Hub City. Building on the work of Zentella (2009; 2010), and drawing on the concepts of “portraiture” (Lawrence-Lightfoot, 1998), “linguistic landscape” (Landry & Bourhis, 1997; Shohamy & Gorter, 2008; Spolsky, 2020), and “multimodal composing” (Gagich, 2020; Sabatino & Fallon, 2019), the volume aims at providing a diverse compilation of works that include varied genres (e.g., scholarly book chapters, commentaries, essays, short stories, poetry, photography), academic disciplines (e.g., art, linguistics, linguistic anthropology, sociology, economics, philosophy) and fields of studies and practice (e.g., education, health care, social work, sports). Together they provide an interdisciplinary and comprehensive understanding of how linguistic diversity has been a historical and contemporary asset advancing the cultural, social, educational, and economic fabric of the “Hub City.”

Further details can be found via this link. We look forward to receiving your proposal!



C Aquino Sterling


EDUC Curriculum and Instruction Gen
