TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Participants needed for group discussion on emergency, disaster, and crisis

Hello, I am Dr. Changwon Son, an Assistant Professor at Texas Tech University in the Department of Industrial, Manufacturing, & Systems Engineering. I am conducting a study on educational needs for emergency, disaster, and crisis management (EDCM) standards and guidelines. I am looking for engineering students and faculty members who are willing to offer their opinion and experience related to EDCM education at Texas Tech. You will participate in a group discussion with other participants and the discussion will take about 2 hours. The group discussion will be audio-recorded for a further analysis. Your participation is completely voluntary and thus your decision to participate, not to participate, or withdraw from the study will not impact your employment status or academic standing. You will receive a monetary compensation of $50 by participating in this study. You can sign up using the link below.


If you feel that you could participate in this study, please feel free to contact me at or by calling 806-834-5508. You may also contact the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University for any questions regarding the rights of participants. Their phone number is (806)-742-2064, and their email is


I am truly grateful for your time and consideration in helping me conduct this research. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.


Thank you,


Dr. Changwon Son

Assistant Professor

Department of Industrial, Manufacturing, & Systems Engineering

Texas Tech University


Changwon Son


Industrial Engineering
