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Join us for the Frontline Leader Series
Did you miss the Leading from the Frontline conference in October 2023? Join us for our sessions covering the topics you may have missed!

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   7/18/2024
Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization * Human Resources Training 

Summer Book Club with Human Resources
Join us for our Summer book club covering the book, Glad We Met - The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings by Steven Rogelberg.

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   7/18/2024
Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization * Human Resources Training 

Brown Bag Workshop: Navigating Graduate School Opportunities for TTU Staff
Are you a staff member who is interested in pursuing Graduate School?

Originator: Abby Vanderburg            Posted On :   7/18/2024
Academic * Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization