TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Animation-Making for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

A team of researchers from the School of Art (TTU) is conducting a research study assessing the benefits of animation-making in young adults diagnosed with ASD, ages 12-14 and 18-22.


The study consists of twelve (12), 90-minute workshops, once a week, in which participants will be assisted in planning and creating a short stop-motion animation.


Participants could benefit from this study as research has shown that animation, particularly animation characters, serve as a conduct for empathy and emotional connection for people with ASD. Also, exercising creativity helps emotionally and cognitively. In addition, your child will be trained in the technique of stop-motion animation using industry-standard tools and techniques.


The participation on this study is completely voluntary. There is no compensation provided to participants in any monetary form or gifts. Although, all required technical equipment and material to design and create the animations will be provided for the participants.


If you are interested in having your child participate in this study, please contact:

Dr. Francisco Ortega from the School of Art ( or
Dr. Wesley Dotson from the College of Education (; 806 834-0783)
at Texas Tech University.



We will have an information session in February, 2019.



This study has been approved by the TTU

Institutional Review Board





Francisco Ortega


School of Art
