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Research Study on Mitochondria and Exercise in Individuals Born Prematurely.

You May Qualify If:

·        Are between the ages of 18 and 35 years.

·        Are a biological birth mother of a young adult born prematurely.

·        Were born prematurely (<37 weeks gestation) or at term (37 weeks gestation).

·        Are not currently participating in regular daily exercise.

·        Do not have bronchopulmonary hyperplasia, cardiovascular, metabolic, or renal disease, and do not smoke or vape.

Participation Involves:

For Young Adults participating in the aerobic exercise training program:

·        Completing 4 maximal aerobic capacity (VO2 max) exercise tests.

·        Following a prescribed aerobic exercise training program for 16 weeks.

·        Providing a blood sample at the start and end of the 16-week aerobic exercise training program.

For Biological Birth Mothers of a Young Adult Born Preterm:

·        Providing a blood or saliva sample only.

This study involves 5 laboratory visits (1.5-2 hours each) for the young adult participants and 1 laboratory visit (1-1.5 hours) for the biological mothers of a young adult participant born prematurely. These visits will occur at the Kinesiology and Sport Management Building at Texas Tech University, except for biological mothers living outside the Lubbock region, who can mail in a sample.

You will receive:

·        Biological birth mother participants of a subject born preterm: No benefits.

·        Young adults born at term and preterm will receive VO2 max data, Fitbit Charge, and up to $150.

Interested people should contact Dr. Heather Vellers at (806) 834-8554 or by email at

The Protection of Human Subjects Committee at Texas Tech University has approved this study.


Heather Vellers


Kinesiology and Sport Management
