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Seeking women with Type 2 Diabetes
Women with type 2 diabetes are needed for a research study evaluating blood vessel function, blood glucose levels, and muscle and fat mass in your body.

Originator: Yejin Kang            Posted On :   5/5/2023

Misgendering Experiences
People who have experienced misgendering are needed for a research study about misgendering. You will be asked to complete a series of questions online for less than one hour. Participants will be entered into a drawing for 1 of 5 $20 gift cards.

Originator: Mackenzie Wantje            Posted On :   5/5/2023

Looking for Undergraduate Workers
The Cooper-Norris lab is looking to hire for the position of undergraduate research technician to assist with current and future research.

Originator: Diego Aviles Molina            Posted On :   5/4/2023
Research * Student Employment/Career Opportunities