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Contract Training
Any TTU faculty, staff, or student who has access to shop or approve transactions in TechBuy, or who has a pcard or is authorized to purchase on a departmental pcard shall complete this training to comply with State of Texas law.

Originator: Chris Gerik            Posted On :   5/24/2023
Academic * Departmental 

TTU Small Business Expo 2023
Save the date for this year's Small and Historically Underutilized Business Expo.
This year’s Wild West theme shows people How Business is done in the Wild West! The event is free to all Faculty/Staff. Meet your local businesses & build connections.

Originator: Chris Gerik            Posted On :   5/24/2023

Operating System, Browser and Microsoft Updates
As the spring semester has come to a close, now is a great time to review your systems to ensure they are up to date.

Originator: IT Help Central            Posted On :   5/25/2023
IT Announcements * Departmental 

Do you know a junior high or high school student who loves art and wants to get the full college experience of what life is like being an art student at Texas Tech? Tell them about our PCIP program taking place this June!

Originator: Tricia Earl            Posted On :   5/24/2023
Academic * Departmental 

Military & Veteran Programs. 5K CAMO RUN
This event has been postponed until the Fall semester.

Originator: Jeremy Sedeno            Posted On :   5/23/2023
Departmental Events * Departmental