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Research Participants Needed (Earn $10)
We are seeking college students, aged 18-21 and diagnosed with a chronic illness (e.g., diabetes, obesity, cancer, hypertension, asthma, arthritis) to participate in our research study on mood, behavior, and health.

Originator: Caroline Cummings            Posted On :   5/25/2023

Looking for a family activity this summer? Check out the Texas Sibling Study!
The Texas Sibling Study is seeking parents of teen siblings to take part in a study examining how families influence teenage development. Families will receive $100 per visit plus other fun prizes.

Originator: Tirza Alcala            Posted On :   5/25/2023

Landscape Impressions Study: Chance to win $50!
Seeking participants in a study on impressions of designed landscapes using virtual reality (VR) to view the landscapes. Study process will consist of a VR experience and a survey afterwards. 3 participants in this study will win $50!

Originator: Garrett Farrow            Posted On :   5/23/2023

Looking for postmenopausal women with elevated or high blood pressure
Postmenopausal women with elevated or high blood pressure needed for research study evaluating blood vessel function and blood pressure at rest and during exercise

Originator: Katharine Dillon            Posted On :   5/25/2023