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Contract Training
Any TTU faculty, staff, or student who has access to shop or approve transactions in TechBuy, or who has a pcard or is authorized to purchase on a departmental pcard shall complete this training to comply with State of Texas law.

Originator: Chris Gerik            Posted On :   5/10/2023
Academic * Departmental 

TTU Small Business Expo 2023
Save the date for this year's Small and Historically Underutilized Business Expo.
This year’s Wild West theme shows people How Business is done in the Wild West! The event is free to all Faculty/Staff. Meet your local businesses & build connections.

Originator: Chris Gerik            Posted On :   5/10/2023

Call for Nominations for the 2023 Distinguished Staff Awards
Texas Tech invites you to nominate outstanding staff members who demonstrate excellence, leadership and exemplary service for a Distinguished Staff Award.

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   5/10/2023
Departmental * Human Resources Training 

The Food Pantry is on hiatus May 3 to May 12
Raider Red's Food Pantry will be closing for two weeks!

Originator: Sam LaRaia            Posted On :   5/10/2023

Looking for Academic, Career & Graduate School Help? Apply to TRIO SSS Today!
Applications are now open for TRIO Student Support Services! Don't hesitate to join and become a part of a great community that can help you during your college journey.

Originator: Tricia Phillips            Posted On :   5/10/2023
Academic * Departmental