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Critical Infrastructure Security Training
This 4-hour online training module will provide an introduction to cyber-physical systems for critical infrastructures, like medical, energy, and electric utilities, which are vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Originator: Abigail Diggs            Posted On :   5/8/2023
Lectures & Seminars * Academic 

“Peoples of the World: Works on Paper” Exhibit - Call for Entries
Art exhibit hosted by the Texas Tech International Affairs - Eligible mediums include drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, and photography.

Originator: Jan Stogner            Posted On :   5/8/2023
Arts & Entertainment * Lectures & Seminars 

Summer Chess Camps
The Texas Tech Chess Program is offering two Summer Chess Camps this year. Camp #1 will be held from June 5 - June 9, and Camp #2 will be held Aug 7 - Aug 11. The age range is 9-14. We happily accept kids of all skill ranges!

Originator: Jeff Day            Posted On :   5/5/2023
Arts & Entertainment * Lectures & Seminars