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Need help with Math or Mechanical Engineering courses? Come to SI Sessions!
Supplemental Instruction offers study material in the form of a packet with useful learning tips and practice problems!

Originator: Erika Soto            Posted On :   11/11/2022

Funding Application Now Open: TrUE Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities
We are now accepting applications for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities Project and Travel Funding!

Originator: Ryan Bain            Posted On :   11/11/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental 

Meet With a Life Coach Today
University Coaching is a FREE service for students looking to gain insights and strategies, self-reflect and have a partner in planning a path forward!

Originator: Claudea Hernandez            Posted On :   11/11/2022

Do You Have a 14-16 Year Old Daughter or Sister who Enjoys Science and Space?
Invite her to apply to be a member of the TTU She Space International Team! She Space is an educational program to advance and empower female students in STEM focusing on Space Science. Apply here:

Originator: Allison Eubanks            Posted On :   11/11/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Cross-Disciplinary Doctoral Conference
You are invited to our Cross-Disciplinary Conference "UNITED IN RESEARCH"! This will be held in person and via Zoom on November 28,2022 2pm-6:30pm. *Refreshments provided*

Originator: Brianna Sanchez            Posted On :   11/11/2022
Research * Lectures & Seminars * Academic 

Dino Day at the Museum of Texas Tech
Join the Museum of Texas Tech University for Dino Day! Dino Day is a FUN and FREE event for the whole family. There will be crafts, games, free planetarium shows, tours with real paleontologists.

Originator: Laura Ray            Posted On :   11/11/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Academic * Departmental