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Texas Sibling Study
The Texas Sibling Study is seeking parents of adolescent siblings to take part in a study examining how families influence teenage development. Families will receive $100 per visit plus other fun prizes.

Originator: Tina Greene            Posted On :   5/8/2023

Teacher Participants are Needed!
We are seeking teachers who have MORE THAN FIVE years of teaching experience in the U.S.A. schools and EXPERIENCED TEACHER PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY TENSIONS to participate in this research on teacher professional identity tensions.

Originator: Chau Hong Phuoc Nguyen            Posted On :   5/8/2023

Looking for postmenopausal women with elevated or high blood pressure
Postmenopausal women with elevated or high blood pressure needed for research study evaluating blood vessel function and blood pressure at rest and during exercise

Originator: Katharine Dillon            Posted On :   5/8/2023

3D Scanning Body Composition Study!
Attention males and females!! Get your body composition tested by 3D scanners and be compensated for doing it!

Originator: Christian Rodriguez            Posted On :   5/8/2023

Misgendering Experiences
People who have experienced misgendering are needed for a research study about misgendering. You will be asked to complete a series of questions online for less than one hour. Participants will be entered into a drawing for 1 of 5 $20 gift cards.

Originator: Mackenzie Wantje            Posted On :   5/8/2023