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1-Session Book Club on Bringing up the Boss: Practical Lessons for New Managers
You’ll learn what it means to manage yourself in this new role, and how to navigate the often awkward and sometimes challenging situations that arise in this new position.

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   11/11/2022
Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization * Human Resources Training 

Football Game Day – IT Help Central Walk-up Support
IT Help Central walk-up computing support procedures during the Football Game will change due to traffic congestion.

Originator: IT Help Central            Posted On :   11/11/2022
IT Announcements * Departmental 

Funding Application Now Open: TrUE Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities
We are now accepting applications for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities Project and Travel Funding!

Originator: Ryan Bain            Posted On :   11/11/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental 

Connect your organization or campus department to new students by hosting a Winter Raider Welcome event! And we'll advertise the event for you!

Originator: Megan Ohlmann            Posted On :   11/11/2022
Departmental * Student Organization 

Follow Human Resources on Social Media!
Follow Texas Tech Human Resources on Instagram and Facebook!

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   11/11/2022
Departmental * Human Resources Training 

Do You Have a 14-16 Year Old Daughter or Sister who Enjoys Science and Space?
Invite her to apply to be a member of the TTU She Space International Team! She Space is an educational program to advance and empower female students in STEM focusing on Space Science. Apply here:

Originator: Allison Eubanks            Posted On :   11/11/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Congratulations to the 2022 Distinguished Staff Award Recipients
Congratulations to the 2022 Distinguished Staff Award Recipients

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   11/11/2022
Faculty/Staff Organization * Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization 

Want to Know More About Big Data and Communication? Register for PCOM 6315!
PCOM 6315, Computational Communication Research, will introduce you to big data research in communication: what it is, what it means, how it is categorized, and how to get started with a big data project with computational methods.

Originator: Kelli Cargile Cook            Posted On :   11/10/2022

Dino Day at the Museum of Texas Tech
Join the Museum of Texas Tech University for Dino Day! Dino Day is a FUN and FREE event for the whole family. There will be crafts, games, free planetarium shows, tours with real paleontologists.

Originator: Laura Ray            Posted On :   11/11/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Academic * Departmental