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Volunteers needed for Holiday @ the Museum!
Looking for last minute volunteer hours or just want to lend a helping hand? Volunteers needed to help with the museum of Texas Tech University’s Holiday public program.

Originator: Alexandra Graham            Posted On :   11/22/2022
Arts & Entertainment 

22nd Annual High and Dry Photography Exhibit – Opening Reception December 1
“A Photographic Exhibition of Peoples and Places of the World’s Dry Lands” hosted by TTU International Affairs

Originator: Jan Stogner            Posted On :   11/22/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Lectures & Seminars * Departmental 

Singers, players, dancers, cosplayers, gamers: Celtic Ensemble wants YOU!
The TTU Celtic Ensemble is recruiting for Fall 2022! Seeking singers, players, dancers, cosplayers, gamers, coders, LARPers, actors, and denizens of the High, Middle, and Lower Realms!

Originator: Chris Smith            Posted On :   11/22/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Lectures & Seminars 

Scarlet Voce: Seeking Altos & Sopranos
Scarlet Voce is an official TTU choir seeking *altos & sopranos* for our exciting Spring concert season! Prior experience singing in a choir is required, please contact with a brief overview of your choir experience!

Originator: Stephanie Reyes            Posted On :   11/22/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Academic * Student Organization