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E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate –100% Online Program
The E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate program prepares you to become a skilled educator to develop online courses and facilitate effective online learning.

Originator: Fethi Inan            Posted On :   1/2/2023

Spring 2023 Course: Why does evolution matter for humans?
ANTH3300 Human Evolution & Adaptation - What does the human diet and human reproduction have to do with evolution? Learn about the range of evolutionary adaptations in human biology. Meets online TR 9:30-10:50am.

Originator: Esther Lee            Posted On :   12/29/2022

MUEN 3101-202: University Singers is open for Spring 2023
The TTU University Singers (MUEN 3101-202) recruiting for Fall 2023!
University Singers is an un-auditioned treble choir open to singers from all majors throughout Texas Tech. All soprano and alto singers are welcome to sing with us!

Originator: Hwanwook Lee            Posted On :   12/28/2022

Study and Research Opportunity on the War in Ukraine
Take part in a research project on a timely topic and earn course credit in the process

Originator: Ori Swed            Posted On :   12/29/2022
Lectures & Seminars * Academic * Research