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R.A.D. Self-Defense Training
Rape Aggression Defense, or R.A.D., is Texas Tech's self-defense training that is open to all female-identifying students. This program has two day sessions including a lecture and activity portion.

Originator: Presley Black            Posted On :   4/21/2023
Lectures & Seminars * Departmental 

Calling all faculty! Win a $2,500 grant through the Faculty C-Startup Program!
Embed commercialization into your course syllabus and empower the next generation of entrepreneurs! Apply before May 5th, 2023.

Originator: Kat Dankesreiter            Posted On :   4/21/2023

Potential University Student Housing Refund
University Housing will be refunding students deposits for 2022-2023. SBS encourages students to set up a My Direct Deposit through Raiderlink to receive their refund directly to their bank account.

Originator: Kyndal Clendennen            Posted On :   4/21/2023