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Undergraduate students needed to participate in a study about views of psychedelics and current drug use. Participants will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card. Link:

Originator: Dan Petrovitch            Posted On :   12/31/2022

Seeking families to spend time with horses for research!
Children with current obesity, ages 9-13, and their primary caregivers may be eligible to participate, and no previous horse experience is required.

Originator: Tristen Hefner            Posted On :   1/2/2023

Singers, players, dancers, cosplayers, gamers: Celtic Ensemble wants YOU!
The TTU Celtic Ensemble is recruiting for Spring 2023! Seeking singers, players, dancers, cosplayers, gamers, coders, LARPers, actors, and denizens of the High, Middle, and Lower Realms!

Originator: Chris Smith            Posted On :   1/2/2023
Arts & Entertainment * Lectures & Seminars 

Student Activities Board Applications Opening Soon!!!
The application to join the Student Activities Board (SAB) will open on January 11th! The Student Activities Board is a student organization that plans free events for students across campus, and we have a lot of fun events planned for the spring!

Originator: Blake Connell            Posted On :   1/2/2023
Student Organization 

E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate –100% Online Program
The E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate program prepares you to become a skilled educator to develop online courses and facilitate effective online learning.

Originator: Fethi Inan            Posted On :   1/2/2023

Human Subject Training Requirement for IRBs
TTU researchers must have human subject training when submitting an IRB. Effective 1/1/2023

Originator: April Ortegon            Posted On :   1/2/2023

Spring 2023 Course: Why does evolution matter for humans?
ANTH3300 Human Evolution & Adaptation - What does the human diet and human reproduction have to do with evolution? Learn about the range of evolutionary adaptations in human biology. Meets online TR 9:30-10:50am.

Originator: Esther Lee            Posted On :   12/29/2022

Spring 2023 course: Prince, James Brown, George Clinton, Muddy Waters & more!
The Practice of the American Bandleaders MUHL4300/5320. Open to Grad/UG from across the TTU campus, TR 12:30-1:50pm.

Originator: Chris Smith            Posted On :   12/29/2022
Lectures & Seminars 

MUEN 3101-202: University Singers is open for Spring 2023
The TTU University Singers (MUEN 3101-202) recruiting for Fall 2023!
University Singers is an un-auditioned treble choir open to singers from all majors throughout Texas Tech. All soprano and alto singers are welcome to sing with us!

Originator: Hwanwook Lee            Posted On :   12/28/2022

Attention Trombonists: Join the Texas Tech Trombone Choir!
The TTU Trombone Choir, composed of faculty, students, and community residents, welcomes new members. We rehearse on Wednesdays at 5PM beginning January 11th. Contact Professor James Decker,, for further information.

Originator: James Decker            Posted On :   12/29/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Departmental * Student Organization 

Study and Research Opportunity on the War in Ukraine
Take part in a research project on a timely topic and earn course credit in the process

Originator: Ori Swed            Posted On :   12/29/2022
Lectures & Seminars * Academic * Research